Before leaving for few holydays, I leave you with an extract of my new solo project : 
"Architectural Resonance".
Rec at Rockerill Charleroi june 14th

On stage soon  : 
///Sept 20th///
Condition Publique/Halle B Roubaix for patrimony days
5pm free
///Sept 28th///
Halle Boulingrin Reims opening for the ELEKTRICITY festival!!! organising by CESARE
6pm free
///Oct 9th///
Congres Station Bruxelles organising by  RECYCLART
8pm free
///Nov 15th///
INCISE galerie organising by VECTEUR Charleroi
Architecture school of Mons organising by  TRANSCULTURES

Architectural Resonance /// Jason Van Gulick /// extract 2 from jason VAN GULICK on Vimeo.

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///Janvier 18 January /// CONCRETE RELEASE PARTY

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